# A tibble: 5 × 22
row_id invoice_id stock…¹ descr…² quant…³ invoice_…⁴ price custo…⁵ country
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <date> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
1 ROW0000001 489434 85048 "15CM … 12 2009-12-01 6.95 13085 United…
2 ROW0000002 489434 79323P "PINK … 12 2009-12-01 6.75 13085 United…
3 ROW0000003 489434 79323W "WHITE… 12 2009-12-01 6.75 13085 United…
4 ROW0000004 489434 22041 "RECOR… 48 2009-12-01 2.1 13085 United…
5 ROW0000005 489434 21232 "STRAW… 24 2009-12-01 1.25 13085 United…
# … with 13 more variables: stock_code_upr <chr>, cancellation <lgl>,
# invoice_dttm <dttm>, invoice_month <chr>, invoice_dow <chr>,
# invoice_dom <chr>, invoice_hour <chr>, invoice_minute <chr>,
# invoice_woy <chr>, invoice_ym <chr>, stock_value <dbl>,
# invoice_monthprop <dbl>, exclude <lgl>, and abbreviated variable names
# ¹stock_code, ²description, ³quantity, ⁴invoice_date, ⁵customer_id