Quant Finance
Computer Programming
You (Probably) Do Not Have a Big Data / AI Problem
Hadley Wickham – Interview with a Data Scientist (Peadar Coyle)
Sampleable Problems
Parallelisable Problems
Irreducible Problems
\(\sim\) 90% of problems
\(\sim\) 9% of problems
\(\sim\) 1% of problems
Various definitions
Generally bigger than one machine
“Big Data” is a marketing term used by salespeople to extract large sums of money from companies with a severe case of FOMO.
A big data problem is one where big data solutions work best
Software infrastructure to assist in the processing and use of large datasets
Most classic insurance problems are small data
Capital Modelling
5-10k Policies
SoV data can be large
Claim data poor quality
Estimate total claim amounts
Data sparse
Chain Ladder often ineffective
Exposure data aggregated
Partial view of claims (censored)
With-profit Funds
Quant finance
MonteCarlo simulation
Customer segmentation
Survival analysis
Less traditionally ‘actuarial’
Limited marketing budget
Optimise call list
Most data missing
Find fraudulent or misleading applications
Communications data, emails
Identify bottlenecks
Improve customer turnaround
Things will not stay the same…
… and the industry will fight this tooth and nail!
(Two! Two big predictions)
R for Data Science - Wickham & Grolemund
Introduction to Probability - Grinstead & Snell
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